Hi there! I hope everyone had a good weekend. I decided to document the last few days and capture our weekend moments in a blog post. If you follow me on IG, you know I like to do this on my IG stories. But I miss our weekend trips to our favorite New England towns, so we are trying to do more local visits along the south shore. I forget how much I love capturing these simple moments and using my DSLR camera. It’s going to be great to look back on these moments, especially during this time.
We had a nice slow morning on Saturday. I slept in (even more so than what I’m doing on the week days, which is pretty late LOL). I enjoyed my coffee table books with my hot lemon water. A staple of mine in the mornings. The sun started to pour in and I knew it was going to be such a nice day outside.
Then we took a long walk outside, while being safe and socially distant from others. As I’ve mentioned before, we can walk down to the water from our apartment, so we headed that way. I enjoyed the beautiful homes with their waterfront views and the ocean smell. There are some pockets where we live that feels like we are down at the cape. It’s wonderful to walk on those streets and forget what’s happening in the world right now.
I ended the night with some rose, a beautiful sunset and a new show on Netflix, Restaurants On The Edge. The show is a combination of HGTV, the food channel and the travel network. It’s the perfect show to put you in a good mood and to appreciate the restaurant business.

We enjoyed another slow morning. I made my favorite breakfast (Ezekiel bread, avocado, red onion, nutritional yeast, fresh chopped tomato, everything but the bagel seasoning + spinach – and listened to my weekend morning playlist. I’m really tapping into my ‘slow living’ approach these days and not feeling guilty about it.
We took a drive down the south shore into the Plymouth area. It was calming to drive around and admire the neighborhoods, downtown, ocean views and wooded areas. For anyone living in a city area, I’m sure you can agree that the pandemic has left us gravitating towards open spaces more and more.
On our little adventure, we drove through a pocket of Plymouth that was so beautiful. There’s open green land, tall trees, and a farm full of horses. I used to horseback ride when I was little, so seeing horses always makes me happy. After seeing the farm, we drove down a smaller road and saw some ideal houses (a mixture of a cape house & farmhouse – the dream)! in this area, there’s a lovely small pond, rolling hills and blooming flowers. The scene reminded us of our time in Sonoma, which we never thought we’d see in New England. We will definitely be back to admire some more!
And of course, we stopped by the ocean too and got some fresh air before heading home.

Later that afternoon, we closed out Sunday on a high note. If you read my Sunday newsletter, you’ll know + saw we have a new bookshelf! We’ve been wanting one fore some time and this craigslist find came at the perfect time. I’ll be sharing more pics of it soon as I begin to update the style of the shelves.
I hope you enjoyed this weekend moments recap. I’ll do more soon…. maybe once a month? Let me know!
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