July: As we enter into a new month in 2020 (and what a shit year it’s been), I’m trying to bring some positivity with me. I can definitely use some knowing we have a lot still ahead of us! As I mentioned in last month’s mood board, I began to really learn about becoming anti-racist and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. And that same momentum to learn is carrying right through into July.
The goals I set for myself still need to be completed. And that’s because I thought I’d be able to tackle these topics like binge watching a season of the Queer Eye — which is of course not the case! And burn out is real. This type of material needs my complete focus to keep questioning with my own actions in the past. It’s uncomfortable to know I’ve been a racist and have contributed to the systemic racism in our country.
Within the last month, I also began working at my 9-5 again and that’s taken a lot of my energy. After being furloughed for almost three months, there’s been an adjustment period for sure. So I’m slowly getting back into publishing regularly on the blog, IG and the newsletters (there will be an update on this too!).
For this month, I’m looking forward to:
Waking up early for morning beach days
Starting to spend time with family + friends outside of Zoom calls (+ doing it safely)
Continuing to educate on Black Lives Matter – reading, listening to podcasts, having uncomfortable questions with myself and others
Eating seafood at the beach with a dry cold summer wine
Reading at night after a long day at work (especially after staring at a screen all day)
Working on my photography + learning how to edit videos (I’m really excited about this)
Styling our “bar” area in the apartment. It desperately needs some decor love.
Continuing to practice my yoga. After doing Adrienne’s 30-day challenge, I’ve become hooked!
I’ve also updated my Weekend Morning playlist and there’s a lot of new gems on here – take a listen.
Enjoy this month. Stay educated + stay safe.
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