It’s that time of year again where gift guides are here and everywhere! Because we’re completely inundated with guides from bloggers, influencers and brands – I’m only doing two guides this holiday season. The other one will be up later this week, so be on the look out because I do find value in guides with certain topics, especially for those last minute shoppers.
Anyways…. this guide is specifically geared towards your loved ones, friends and coworkers who care about the environment, people and animals (or all three!). These are the people who are aware about their waste and it’s affect on everyone. These gifts were all picked with sustainable and ethical consumerism in mind. Not to mention, all of these brands are doing great work within this space. So here is the Gift Guide for the Conscious Consumer.
1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6. / 7. / 8.
Happy Gifting! xx
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