March: I can feel spring is around the corner and that makes me so incredibly happy! The days are getting longer and it makes me feel actually lighter. I’m starting to thaw from the cold winter and can feel it happen. The shift in the air is real and it’s something to hold onto!
It’s also crazy and numbing to think this month marks one year of living with the pandemic. None of us could imagine we’d still be here, yet we are. And when I think of last year, I still reference 2019 because 2020 doesn’t feel like a year after what we’ve mentally been through.
BUT with the pandemic exhaustion we’re all feeling, I’m trying to see some positive too. The fact that we have 3 vaccine options and our friends + loved ones are starting to get vaccinated, makes me so so happy. It’s a light at the end of a long tunnel.
Healthier Mindset
Spring represents rebirth and I’m trying to grab some of that energy when it comes to healthier habits. I really let myself go the last couple of months with unhealthy habits like staying up really late and sleeping in, not drinking enough water, cutting back on my walks. And TOO much screen time.
So I’m focusing on moving my body more with daily yoga and walks and getting back into using weights. I’m posting a lot less on social right now and it feels good. I needed a break to get inspired and motivated again.
I’m trying a personal challenge (influenced by Olivia Noceda’s month of mindfulness) to not use my phone (social media & emails) when I wake up for at least 15 minutes. I want to try and implement that before going to bed too. My eyes are way too tired from doom scrolling!
Spring Cleaning + Organizing
We’re officially looking for houses, YAY! So while we are fully in the process of that, I’m starting to really clean out each room of the apartment in preparation. We’ve been at our current apartment for four years and we’ve collected a lot over time. Our kitchen needs a lot of love when it comes to creating organized spaces for our spices, snacks, baked goods, etc. So that’s on the plan too!
Wish List Items
x Christine
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