August: Eight months into the year + the last full month of summer (which is blowing my mind). I feel like I’m floating through each month wondering how I get here. I am excited about a new month starting over. Things are feeling fresh. And I have an urge of creativity right now with my photography and videos. Not to mention, I just chopped off my hair and feel like a whole new person.
As I mentioned in my last mood board posts, I’m continuing to educate myself on BLM and other important topics. I’m constantly finding ways to balance this type of learning into my life.
Another major focus I want to lean into this month is finding new ways to ease my anxiety. And to be gentler with myself overall. July was a really anxious month (on top of an extremely anxious year) and I’m noticing how it’s affecting my mindset. To start, I need to decrease my screen time. I’m thinking moving forward, I’ll do screen-less Saturdays. More to come on that…..
This month, I’m also looking forward to:
Celebrating my husband’s birthday with a fun filled weekend.
Enjoying the salty water on my skin + hair after a long dip in the ocean.
Reading during the day + not feeling guilty about it.
Going on after dinner walks when the heat is less intrusive.
Tending to my new indoor plant, which I mentioned in the last LD Round Up.
Starting to plan fall content and getting ahead of my calendar. I’m getting giddy just thinking about fall!
Enjoy this month + stay positive.
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